Effective Skin Infection Treatments: Expert Recommendations

Ayesha Bashir
3 min readJun 26, 2024


Skin infections may not be of the same kind or level of severity; they may range from bacterial skin infections like impetigo to deeper fungal infections or viral skin breakouts. Appropriate action is taken depending on the root cause of the illness, the location, and the general health of the affected individual. As discussed below, here are some of the most effective treatments according to specialists’ recommendations.

1. Antibiotics for Bacterial Infections:

Skin infections are commonly treated with antibiotics administered as creams or tablets directly to the infected area. Topical antibiotics, including mupirocin or bacitracin, can be used for moderate conditions, including impetigo or slight cellulitis. For more severe levels of skin infection or in cases where the infection has gone deeper into the skin, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics such as cephalexin, dicloxacillin, or clindamycin. It is vital to take all the antibiotics prescribed to treat the infection to the dot to avoid developing resistance to the drugs.

2. Antifungal Medications for Fungal Infections:

Skin diseases caused by fungi are ringworm (tinea corporis), athlete’s foot (tinea pedis), and yeast infections (cutaneous candidiasis), and they need anti-fungal drugs. These may be in creams, lotions, or oral medications based on the extent and location of the infection. Some drugs commonly used to treat fungal infections include clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, and fluconazole. The other measure that promotes the recovery of the affected area is washing it and ensuring it dries. Bacterial skin infections like impetigo or erysipelas may necessitate antibiotics.

3. Antiviral Medications for Viral Infections:

viral skin infections like herpes simplex (cold sores) or varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox or shingles) may require antiviral therapy. Antiviral medications can lessen symptoms, shorten the length of an outbreak, and also have the potential to prevent complications from occurring. Some examples of antiviral drugs are acyclovir, valacyclovir, and Famciclovir. Therefore, new viral skin infections should be treated early to prevent them from getting severe and complicated.

4. Corticosteroids for Inflammatory Skin Conditions:

Skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, or severe skin allergy (contact dermatitis) can be treated using corticosteroids. These medicines assist in reducing inflammation, itchiness, and skin redness. They come in different concentrations and are formulated as creams, ointments, gels, or oral drugs. Corticosteroids should be taken in the long term under the supervision of a healthcare provider to reduce the side effects.

5. Surgical Intervention or Drainage:

If skin infections develop abscesses or localized pockets of pus, further surgical intervention may be required. This procedure assists in removing the infected material and can enhance recovery. It is commonly done under local anesthesia in a clinical or hospital environment. Besides medications, washing daily, changing clothes, and not sharing personal belongings help to prevent skin infections or their reoccurrence. Prescribed therapies can accompany over-the-counter remedies such as antiseptic washes or moisturizers.

